Archive | April, 2013

Full-Term, FINALLY!

26 Apr

Well, I finally made it – I’ve officially baked a full-term baby boy! This has been my goal from the day the little pink line popped up on that test. I was determined to stay pregnant at least long enough for this little man’s lungs to be fully developed and they are…FINALLY! My doctor appointment went well, baby’s moving good and his heart rate is perfect. I’ve made no progress toward labor AT ALL, so my doctor is confident that I’ll make it at least another week, if not longer – I’m definitely tired and excited to meet this little guy, but am so thrilled that my body is cooperating for a healthy, full-term pregnancy this time around. I’m ready to bring home a chubby baby πŸ™‚

I also got our disc of maternity photos in the mail yesterday, so thought I would share a few of my favorites:

Doesn't Delaney look SO EXCITED to be having a baby brother?! :)

Doesn’t Delaney look SO EXCITED to be having a baby brother?! πŸ™‚

She'll always be my baby...

She’ll always be my baby…

Look at that belly - and I was only 34 weeks when these were taken!

Look at that belly – and I was only 34 weeks when these were taken!

Wish I knew what they were talking about :)

Wish I knew what they were talking about πŸ™‚

My girl <3

My girl ❀

Almost a family of four!

Almost a family of four!

Love her eyes...

Love her eyes…

DSC_0107 guys think I'm going to share my stuff? That's so funny!

HAHAHAHAHA…you guys think I’m going to share my stuff? That’s so funny!

I don’t have another appointment until Thursday (which is next month, how crazy is that?!), so we’ll see if he’s interested in being born anytime soon after that. I’ll keep you all posted – thanks for thinking of us!

“Him’s come out morrow, Mommy”

24 Apr

A day shy of 37 weeks (my goal) and much to my surprise, my little lady sat next to me this morning with some exciting news. I was bent over, helping her get her shoes on for school, and she patted my belly and said, “Him’s come out morrow, Mommy.” Just like that. So matter of fact. I said, “I don’t think so, baby…Mommy’s going to the doctor tomorrow, but the baby can’t come until I go to the hospital.” She looked at me, more confused then ever. I asked her, “You think Mommy’s going to the hospital tomorrow?” She lit up and yelled, “YEAH!” (as if to say, DUH, Mom!).

Who knows?! While it’s entirely possible, I doubt that will be the case. I’m surprisingly comfortable. Aside from being tired and hot a lot of the time, I’d even say I feel good. Sometimes even great. I can’t imagine I’d feel this way if I’d made ANY progress at all!

That being said, I think it’s safe to say nothing about my life is predictable, so he could be here by breakfast for all I know πŸ™‚

Just to give you all a smile, here’s a picture of my goofy baby-prediction specialist:

gogglesShe tried on her goggles for swim lessons and refused to take them off. I think she looks pretty darn cool, don’t you?

I’ll be sure to let you all know what the doctor says and if my kid has a future in the business of fortune telling. Feel free to comment with your worldly questions and I’ll relay them onto the mini Miss Cleo for you πŸ™‚

Progress is progress, right?

22 Apr

Now that I can say I have never been THIS pregnant before, I feel like a first-time mom all over again. The one benefit to being an inpatient during the last couple weeks of your pregnancy is that you are already at the hospital! You don’t have to experience the worry and stress of not knowing when your water will break or if you’re having a real contraction – nurses and monitors poke and prod you every four hours to make sure you and your baby are safe and healthy. Not that I want to be inpatient again, but I feel like I’m walking around in a dark room trying to find the light switch. I’ve never been through this before. Like I said, I’ve never been this pregnant before…I’ve never delivered a baby at a healthy weight…the fear and anxiety of what’s to come is really starting to set in. I know, I know…women have been birthing babies for thousands of years and I need to just calm down because everything will be fine. You’re right. It will be just fine. But, I’m going to worry every minute of every day until this little man arrives. And then I’ll have a whole new set of worries. Worrying is just part of what I do – those of you who know me well are probably nodding your heads while reading this πŸ™‚

In between all this worrying, at least I’m making progress in this little boy’s room – somewhat! He’s got a bed with bedding, I’ve got a nice chaise lounge to snooze on between feedings and we’ve got a glider just waiting to be rocked.


Now if my husband would just finish cleaning out his dresser (he has TWO), so we could get that moved in, I can really start getting everything organized. I keep trying to remind myself that there will inevitably be things we won’t get done – and that’s okay. I’ll have plenty of time to get everything done on maternity leave, right?! HAHAHAHAHAHA…get it? That was a joke.


Good News Growth Scan!

17 Apr

I had my last growth scan today and got some great news!

  1. Baby Boy is HEAD-DOWN!
  2. He’s now estimated to weigh 6 lbs., 1 oz.!
  3. Fluid levels are great – he’s just hanging out until the big arrival day πŸ™‚

His face is so chubby and it’s all squished, but here’s his latest headshot:

ultrasound 4.17.13

I’m so relieved to know that he’s in the birthing position (and will hopefully stay that way) and that I don’t have to schedule a c-section. I obviously have to be prepared either way because you can never plan for everything, but things are looking great! There is a chance that the weight estimate could be a pound off either way, but he’s at least over 5 pounds, so won’t be classified as a low-birth-weight baby, like Delaney. I know that risks for other issues also decrease with that, so am so relieved with this news!

I have my 36-week appointment with my OB tomorrow afternoon and will be checked for the first time. My gut is telling me that I haven’t progressed at all, which is totally fine with me, but I’m still anxious to find out.

Next step is to decide whether I’d like to schedule an induction or let him come on his own. Scheduling sounds nice because we better plan for everything, but part of me is envious of the traditional oh-my-God-my-water-just-broke-in-the-grocery-store experience. I’m leaning toward waiting it out, but will probably schedule an induction for a few days after my due-date, just in case I would go that long.

Anyway, just wanted to share the good news – I’ll be sure to post about how my appointment goes tomorrow πŸ™‚

A lot can happen in a year…

15 Apr

So now that I haven’t updated in almost a year, literally, Β I figured I’d try to pick things back up on my blog. I know not many people ever read it, but it’s an easy way for me to keep track of things and to have around for my kids since I’m not super-great at keeping baby books updated either!

So a lot’s happened in that year-long lapse…

1. Ryan and I got married:

kiss2. We got pregnant again:


3. Laney turned TWO:


4. We had a VERY MERRY Christmas:


5. I got HUGE:

buddhabellySo the cool piece about the getting huge part is that we’re having a little boy in a few weeks! He doesn’t have a name yet, much to Mommy’s dismay, but I’m confident something will fit before we leave the hospital (please, dear God). We’ve been busy getting the house ready for his arrival and trying to get Laney used to the idea – she LOVES babies, just not sharing her space and things. Baby steps, right?

This little guy is MUCH more active than D was, so it’ll be interesting to see what his little personality is like once he comes out! He’s currently transverse – flip-flopped back-and-forth a few times, so hopefully he’ll get in the right position soon. I’ve got a growth scan scheduled on Wednesday to see how big he is and if he’s finally decided to cooperate and get head-down. We’ve got 31 days until my due date, but there’s always the chance he’ll be here before then…especially if I end up with a scheduled c-section! Please send positive baby-flipping vibes our way…we need as many as we can get πŸ™‚

Anyway, I’ll definitely update again soon – now that I’veΒ alludedΒ to the scan on Wednesday, I’ll need to provide an update on that…can’t leave the masses of people that read this blog hanging, HA!